Keeping on Top of an Expanding In-box

In this weeks episode I talk about my top five tips for keeping on top of an in-box which is fit to bursting. I share some of my own experiences and tips and tricks I have learnt over the last few years. 

1. Unsubscibe from e-mails

2. Set up folders and rules.

3. E-mails on phones

4. Opening your in-box

5. Allocated time for e-mail management

Ultimately it is down to you to decide how to manage your in-box and generally it is going to be a bit of a mix and match of the techniques here as well as others that you pick up along the way. It doesn’t matter which ones you decide to use and it will probably be a bit of an experiment to find out which suit you way of working but the rest must be the same.

Your in-box should not be the thing that drives your daily work. It is an important part of what you do every day but none of us will take our businesses forward if we just spend our time fire fighting our in-box and while e-mails are a really important part of our daily work lives they shouldn’t control us.

I meet lots of women who dream of setting up their own business but are finding it difficult to navigate those first steps and often don’t know where to start, what the priorities are or where to find the information they need.

Sometimes it is a business in a completely new area that they are passionate about or it might be a hobby they want to take professional and sometimes they just think that their dream business is really only a dream and there is no chance of it becoming reality. 

I am lucky enough to have worked with women in this situation and while it is not always easy and they have put in some hard work and hours it has been a privilege to watch their businesses grow and flourish.

We all have at least one business in us and my free guide will help you work out what yours is. It is a tried and tested process and the exact one that I go through with my clients.

To download it go to

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