Podcast #23 Why is Budgeting so Important?

Podcast #23 Why is Budgeting so Important?

In the episode this week I discuss why budgeting is so important to every business whether you are just starting out or are up and running.  I cover my top three reasons for keeping a budget and then move onto my seven tips to consider when putting together a...
Podcast  #22 Taking Messy Action

Podcast #22 Taking Messy Action

In this weeks episode I talk about the benefits of taking messy action in your business as well as the different types of motivations and overcoming your fears. I also talk about how I took messy action recently in my business and what the result of that was. We all...
Podcast #21 Converting an idea into a business

Podcast #21 Converting an idea into a business

So you have got an idea for your business? What do you do next? I am going to turn this slightly on its head this week and talk more about what you shouldn’t do rather than what you should.   1. Don’t be fixed on one idea 2. Don’t focus on the product...
Podcast #20 Changing my habits

Podcast #20 Changing my habits

Essentially habits form who you are. A habit is something that you do regularly without really thinking about it, for example, brushing your teeth or checking your e-mails. They become part of your routine and then they ultimately become who you are. But the good news...
Podcast #19 Do I need book-keeping software?

Podcast #19 Do I need book-keeping software?

Do I need book-keeping software? Software for book-keeping is something that I use everyday as it makes the process of keeping financial records very easy and efficient, however, it is not something I would recommend businesses invest in initially as it can be done...